2011年5月28日 星期六

How To | Droid VNC Server « Open Source

How To | Droid VNC Server « Open Source: "How To | Droid VNC Server

Posted October 28, 2010 by excedio in Android, How To, Programs. Tagged: access, android, how to, remote, vnc. 21 Comments

If you’re anything me, you’ve Rooted your Android phone and you’re looking for all of the coolest apps available to you. For a long time I’ve been looking for a great app that would allow me to remotely access my HTC DROID Incredible using VNC. Why would I want to remotely access my phone you ask? I’m lazy. No, just kidding. ;)

Benefits of remote access:

Access to your phone if it’s not immediately with you.
Ability to create a screencast.
Faster screen shots.
Access your phone if you’re at work or school and don’t want to look like you’re on your phone. ;)

Well, now I have discovered Droid VNC Server. Created by onaips at the XDA forums.

Droid VNC Server is a great little app. It’s not without it’s bugs, but the bugs that I have do not even come close to outweighing it’s positives. While I have not officially seen any confirmations of Droid VNC Server working on the Incredible, it does work quite nicely for me. In regards to other Android phones, your mileage may vary, but you can check out onaips blog to see a small listing of confirmed functional devices.

Ok, enough talking. How do I use this thing?

Step 1: Preparing your computer

You will have to be sure that you have a VNC Viewer installed on your computer first. Here’s a quick list of programs that can be used:

Linux – Remote Desktop Viewer (However, I use the command line). Remote Desktop Viewer is pre-installed in Ubuntu.
Mac – Chicken of the VNC.
Windows – RealVNC.

Step 2: Preparing your Android device

Scan the QR Code at the top of the page to be directed to the Droid VNC Server page in the Android Market.
Open Droid VNC Server and tap Start Server.
Suggestion – Connect to a wireless signal that your computer is also using. (I have not yet tested USB & Verizon does not support VNC through 3G)
Feel free to modify any of the options in Menu > Settings. (I’d recommend a password)

Step 3: Connect to your Device

Open your VNC Viewer of choice and type in the IP:Port that you see listed on the Droid VNC Server home screen.
Type in your password if needed.
You should now see your Android Device!

Some helpful things to know:

Some possible incorrect keybindings: (I have a feeling this is an Android thing…)

= sends +
! sends ~
~ sends 0
< sends *
> sends #

These are important to know: ;)

home = home
right-click = home, also
pg up = menu
pg down = call
pg down long press = redial most recent
esc = back
del = back, also
end = phone sleep
type = from the home screen random typing will initiate google search

Here are some instructions for using VNC through USB:

I have heard that USB will provide a faster VNC connection. With adb installed and the device plugged in via USB:
adb forward tcp:5901 tcp:5901
adb forward tcp:5801 tcp:5801

Using your preferred VNC Viewer, connect to:


- 已使用 Google 工具列寄出"

